Quick Notes
Timely leadership insights, easy to absorb and apply.
COMPIO’s Quick Notes are written by Tracy Fuller, sharing resources and practices that come up in leadership coaching conversations. Past ones include:
BLUF is an acronym for “Bottom Line Up Front,” a triangular approach to communications appreciated by busy people. Using BLUF when time and attention spans are short makes it more likely your communications are noted and understood.
Yes, it’s important to know your leadership strengths. But that’s not enough. To excel at a given time and in a given situation, you need to know your differentiating strengths. To do so requires two types of awareness
What’s your first response when an employee suggests a risky new approach, a colleague is late with materials you need, or a customer requests another cut in rates? To stack the odds in your favor, don’t respond to the situation. Instead,
Clients say the most brilliant things. As an executive coaching client and I reviewed the impacts of the progress he’s made, he leaned into his webcam and said, “Tracy, I feel like I’m getting a personal PhD in leadership.” His metaphor
To think differently, successful innovators act differently. This was revealed in a long term, global research project that defined what leaders of successful innovative companies did differently than leaders of less innovative companies.
When you end up with an unexpected window of open time, how do you use it? Found time provides serendipitous opportunities for growth. You have an opportunity to shift gears in a meaningful way, and then enjoy